Casino evacuated due to suspicious item
Casino evacuated due to suspicious item
A suspicious item was found by security at a Las Vegas casino prompting an evacuation Sunday evening.More >A suspicious item was found by security at a Las Vegas casino prompting an evacuation Sunday evening.More >Woman killed in eastern Las Vegas hit-and-run ID'd
Woman killed in eastern Las Vegas hit-and-run ID'd
Police said a woman who was crossing an east Las Vegas street was killed in a hit-and-run crash Friday evening.More >Police said a woman who was crossing an east Las Vegas street was killed in a hit-and-run crash Friday evening.More >Police vehicles rammed during getaway attempt
Police vehicles rammed during getaway attempt
Police said a man believed to be involved in a burglary rammed police cruisers with his vehicle in an attempt to get away from officers early Sunday morning.More >Police said a man believed to be involved in a burglary rammed police cruisers with his vehicle in an attempt to get away from officers early Sunday morning.More >Las Vegas woman accused of shooting, killing ex-husband
Las Vegas woman accused of shooting, killing ex-husband
Metro police said they are investigating a homicide at a home in Las Vegas Thursday.More >Metro police said they are investigating a homicide at a home in Las Vegas Thursday.More >Zappos paying for animal adoption fees through Monday
Zappos paying for animal adoption fees through Monday
Zappos is helping people in the Las Vegas Valley add a furry friend to their family.More >Zappos is helping people in the Las Vegas Valley add a furry friend to their family.More >Man killed in southwest Las Vegas crash identified
Man killed in southwest Las Vegas crash identified
A man killed in a crash in the southwest part of the valley Tuesday has been identified.More >A man killed in a crash in the southwest part of the valley Tuesday has been identified.More >Teen killed in Henderson crash identified
Teen killed in Henderson crash identified
An 18-year-old who died after slamming his vehicle into a tractor-trailer Saturday has been identified.More >An 18-year-old who died after slamming his vehicle into a tractor-trailer Saturday has been identified.More >FOX5 Vegas Mugshots: August 2015
FOX5 Vegas Mugshots: August 2015
These are the police booking photos taken in August 2015.More >These are the police booking photos taken in August 2015.More >Trump scraps endorsement event after black pastors object
Trump scraps endorsement event after black pastors object
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has cancelled a press conference in which his campaign said he would be endorsed by as many as 100 black evangelical religious leaders. Many of those invited to the...More >Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has cancelled a press conference in which his campaign said he would be endorsed by as many as 100 black evangelical religious leaders. Many of those invited to the event say...More >UNLV sophomore forward leaving basketball program
UNLV sophomore forward leaving basketball program
UNLV announced Friday that sophomore forward Goodluck Okonoboh is leaving the men’s basketball team.More >UNLV announced Friday that sophomore forward Goodluck Okonoboh is leaving the men’s basketball team.More >
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