A large portion of Mysitc Lake Casino was evacuated this morning when a fire broke out near the roof.Several hundred people were cleared from the casino area around 9:30.And some customers saw flames shooting out of the roof.Investigators say workers were doing some welding on the roof of the Mystic Lake Casino as part of a remodeling project.Chief Jim Muelken from the Mystic Lake Fire Department
says, ''My initial understanding is without the complete investigation is that there was a welding crew that was welding up on and near the pit of the roof and that's where the fire started.Char Ellingsley of Shakopee, MN says, ''They just kept asking me to move from section to section and it just smelled like plastic burning, like somebody dumped a cigarette in the ashtray.''Paul Butler of Shakopee, MN says, ''Flames shooting out the top and dark smoke and shortly after that the fire department got here and started shooting water down it.About half of the casino's gaming area was able to remain open during the fire.The building suffered some damage near the Mystic Lake sign.No injuries were reported.