Woman beaten, shot while coming home from casino


ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis woman is out of the hospital after someone shot her during an attempted robbery right outside of her home. It happened just after midnight Wednesday as the woman and her husband were leaving a local casino.

It was supposed to be a fun night at River City Casino when things took a devastating turn early Wednesday morning.

"She's still traumatized from it, still in a little shock,” the victim's daughter, who asked not to be identified, said.

She cannot believe someone targeted her mother and father right outside of their home on Pennsylvania Avenue near St. Pleasant Street. She had no clue it happened until her phone started ringing.

"I thought it was odd she was calling me so late in the night…she facetimed me and she was all injured and bleeding,” the woman said.

The family believes someone saw the couple gambling at the casino, and then followed them home. The male victim tells 5 On Your Side as soon as they parked, got out of their car, and walked to their front door, the shooter was there waiting.

The female suspect told them to hand over the cash, but the woman's husband was not going down without a fight.

"He was trying to protect her you know,” their daughter said.

Trying to get the would-be female robber to leave, he said he yelled "go ahead, shoot me.” The suspect opened fire, hitting the man's wife in the leg and then pistol-whipping her.

"She said she got shot once and they tried to shoot her again and they missed her,” the daughter also said.

The shooter took off, without getting a dime. Blood still remains on the family's front porch along with a bullet hole on the front door and a now shattered glass door.

When 5 On Your Side arrived to speak with the family, the female victim was just getting out of the hospital, recovering from a scary scenario they never saw coming.

"Something you just don't believe is going to happen to you and ends up just mind-blowing…I'm just glad she's ok because it could've ended up differently where she wouldn't be alive right now,” the woman said.

The shooter was wearing a black hoody and a face mask.

Anyone with information about this case should contact St. Louis police.

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