Man robbed at gunpoint at L'Auberge Casino parking garage; 2 arrested


BATON ROUGE - Two people were arrested after a man was robbed at gunpoint in the parking garage at a Baton Rouge casino.

According to arrest records, the victim befriended a woman on the casino floor while gambling at the L'Auberge Casino on Thursday, July 5.

The victim bought the two something to eat at the bar and the woman, later identified as 28-year-old Jessica Simoneaux, asked him for $20.

The victim refused to give her the $20, and Simoneaux then offered to bring him home since he didn't have a car.

While walking in the stairwell of the parking garage, the victim said a man, later identified as 32-year-old Justin Millett, approached him from behind and pointed a gun to the back of his head. Millett then told the victim "give me your wallet," and grabbed the victim's wallet from his back pocket. The wallet contained approximately $450.

Millett and Simoneaux then entered an older model maroon Chevrolet pickup truck and fled the area. Video evidence obtained from the casino confirmed the victim's statements, according to arrest records.

Both Millett and Simoneaux's identities were obtained through casino security. They were both arrested and booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison for armed robbery.

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