Florida Soon to Regulate Online Casino Games - Staugnews


For a number of years online casino games were once ruled by overseas internet hubs. Due to laws in the United States and specific states, online casino gambling was considered illegal and off limits. That did not prevent US citizens from engaging in illegal online games and their money is essentially going to overseas


Over the past few years the US government, as well as specific state governments have started to take notice of the online gaming world. They are slowly starting to warm up to the idea of allowing online casino games to be operated in the United States and states where gambling is legal. The allotment of online casino games could generate billions of dollars in revenue for state and federal government.

Recently in the state of Florida, a bill was proposed to allow online casino style games such as poker or Texas hold’em poker to be operated online in a state regulated online casino hub. At the time of the bill being presented, online slot games were not included but could be added into the bill in later years.

The bill proposes that the state regulate a hub where those who wish to run a poker room must pay a licensing fee. While those that wish to be a part of the affiliate program would pay less than the operating company.

Safeguard measures would be put into place to ensure that users are of a legal age to gamble as well as making sure that money changes hands properly, and documents the ability to block and limit how often a player plays.

It is estimated that one million Florida residents take part in illegal offshore gambling each year. By passing this bill, the state of Florida could generate over 200 million dollars in one year, with the possibility of it growing by 100 million every year.

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Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEXvOoY8y6w0qX75dHbeJhqG03pZA&url=http://staugnews.com/2010/10/31/florida-soon-to-regulate-online-casino-games.html