Anne Arundel casino developer promises high class digs - Washington Examiner (blog)


After being gutted by fire more than three years ago, the Georgetown Library is scheduled to reopen Monday after a nearly $18 million renovation. The Georgian-style brick...

The developer of a hotly contested casino planned near the Arundel Mills mall this week promised that if built, his casino would be a center for upscale dining that includes the...

Fairfax County police are investigating the death of 18-year-old who died after seeking medical treatment at the Inova Healthplex in Franconia/Springfield. Police said Wyatt...


Since Democrat Joe Manchin, West Virginia Governor and Senate candidate, literally shot a copy of the “Cap and Trade” bill that DC Democrats tend to support,...

U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly is on the Washington area airwaves with a commercial that touts the Northern Virginia congressman as a “tax-cutting Democrat.” This is...

Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling’s office issued a press release earlier in the week seeking to draw attention to the interim subcommittee reports of the...

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