Tips on beating the casino house - Nation Wires


First published in 2010, Cory “the Oracle” Marcinuk, has written an amusing book, “How to Beat the Casino,” about gambling — casino, blackjack horse racing, roulette, craps and other kinds. His style flows easily.

Marcinuk states that “This book is not politically correct; it’s intended to be honest, funny, sarcastic, rational, and entertaining when discussing the perils of gambling.”

He provides entertaining historical tidbits. In referring to “Blackjack,” he says that the writer of “Don Quixote,” Miguel de Cervantes, mentioned it in an earlier book. Under “Baccarat,” he points out that it was an aristocrat’s game which has now trickled down for hoi polloi.

The chapters are broken into sections with names such as “There’s a sucker born every minute system” and, under “Slot Machines”, “It’s my money and I’ll do what I want to do with it system.”

This is the most interesting part. If you ever have heard about “Craps” but didn’t know anything about the terms used, this is a book for you. “Keno” gives a statistical chart that lists “potential hits, odds, and corresponding percentages of casino hits.”

Marcinuk humorously says in his Notes: “This literary classic is intentionally printed on single sided pages for easy reading. The space is intended for your personal notes, doodling, etc.” My copy had missing or half-printed type, an error that is being corrected, I’m told, in the upcoming second printing.

“How to Beat the Casino” is available on with a preview feature. You might want to check it out.


“How to Beat the Casino: Humorous Systems Revealed” by Cory “The Oracle” Marcinuk; available on, $15.95

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