Judge says racy Atlantic City casino billboard can stay up for now - USA Today

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A New Jersey Superior Court judge has instructed New Jersey Transit to keep its hands off a racy Atlantic City billboard that features a nearly naked showgirl's bare backside, The Press of Atlantic City reports.

Judge Nelson Johnson, author of the book Boardwalk Empire about the prohibition-era Atlantic City that became an HBO series, ordered NJ Transit and its advertising agency not to touch the billboard until a March 10 hearing.

Some residents had complained about the billboard, located on NJ Transit land, which was put up last week to advertise Resorts Casino and its new 1920s musical called Moonshine.

The billboard is perched on an Atlantic City Expressway over a NJ Transit train station. In case anyone missed the subtlety, the AP notes, the word "moon" is highlighted just to the right of the model's rear end.

NBC40 quotes Keisha Howard, a resident, as strongly objecting to the billboard. "My kids are learning what's normal and what's not normal," she says, "and I don't want them to look at this picture and think that it's normal, because it's not normal."

Casino owner Dennis Gomes says the sign doesn't hurt anyone, the AP reports.

"I've got five kids and they've seen butts all their lives and they all turned out fine," he says. "When you go to the beach, you see women in G-strings all the time. In Europe, they go topless. I really don't understand what all the fuss is about."

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