Twin River renews push for full-scale casino - Turn to


The owners of the Twin River video slot parlor in <a href="" class="topic_link" title="Topic - Lincoln

Chafee">Lincoln are renewing a push to make it a full-scale casino. Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee indicates he's open to it.

The gambling facility's owner, UTGR, Inc., began making its case Tuesday.

It released an economic impact study it paid for that says allowing Twin River to offer table games could create as many as 650 jobs and create up to $60 million in revenue for the state and town.

Chafee told WPRO-AM he doesn't see that table games would be a major change from video. He says the Narragansett Indian tribe should share in any expansion.

The General Assembly last year passed legislation authorizing a voter referendum on casino gambling. Former Gov. Don Carcieri vetoed it.

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