JOEY KENNEDY: Federal judge orders casino owner Ronnie Gilley to jail - The Birmingham News - (blog)

Published: Tuesday, February 08, 2011, 9:04 AM     Updated: Tuesday, February 08, 2011, 9:55 AM
Ronnie Gilley, the owner of Country Crossing casino in Dothan, was already having a bad year. As one of the Bingo 11 indicted last year for trying to buy votes on a gambling bill before the Legislature, Gilley is set to go on trial in April.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry

Moorer made Gilley's year even worse by revoking his bond Monday and sending him to jail until his trial. Moorer ruled that Gilley had violated the conditions of his release on bond. Prosecutors accuse Gilley of trying to buy the silence of lobbyist Jarrod Massey both before and after his Oct. 4 arrest.

The gambling magnates aren't having much luck with the courts. Gilley is in jail (his attorney, Doug Jones, said he'll appeal the bond revocation). Milton McGregor, owner of VictoryLand who also is under indictment, wanted to get his court-ordered ankle monitoring device removed, but then abruptly changed his mind about asking a judge to remove it.

Meanwhile, anybody who thinks gambling legislation will be considered in the upcoming session of the Legislature is dreaming. That issue is dead, and likely for a long time.

Isn't it time to just move on? Electronic bingo isn't likely to be endorsed by the Alabama Supreme Court, and that's what it'll take to reopen the casinos.

So what do you think? We can talk about this today at 1 p.m. in a live chat. Sign up below.

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