65-page indictment details conversations in bingo vote-buying case - Montgomery Advertiser

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Bedford, who is simply referred to as the sponsor of Senate Bill 380, asked for the authority to say ", if you f--kers f--k us on this (legislation) ... there will be no peace. ... We're coming after your a--."

McGregor, according to the indictment, told Bedford,

"Big man, let me tell you, I don't even have to think about it. You've got mine." McGregor later reiterated that he was "110 percent on board with that."Bedford could not be reached for comment Tuesday.Bedford is one of several legislators and other officials who are discussed in the indictment but not named specifically.While Bedford is clearly referred to in one segment of the indictment, other portions are not as specific about who was involved in the action or conversation.For instance, in a conversation the day of the Senate vote, Gilley "called a campaign consultant to discuss a member of the Alabama Senate, who supported the bill but was unlikely to take part in the vote due to illness," according to the indictment.The consultant was expected to see the ailing senator that day, according to the indictment, and Gilley allegedly told the consultant that "if the legislator participated in the vote, Gilley would secure the help of prominent country music stars to run the legislator's campaign," to assure the lawmaker that Gilley would "participate in his campaign ... in a big, big, big way" and that Gilley stated that "in excess of $500,000 is what's already committed" if the legislator came to the State House and voted for the bill."Later that day, the legislator voted in favor of SB380," according to the indictment.While more than one senator was ill at different times during the session, Democratic Sen. Wendell Mitchell came into the chamber looking visibly pale the day of the vote and did not return for another day of the legislative session. Some people were not certain if Mitchell would be able to make it to the vote because of his health, but he was there and voted on other legislation that day.Mitchell said Tuesday he did not know any more than he read in the indictment, that he was surprised by the situation and that no one ever offered him anything for his vote.

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