Festivus For Casino Dealers A Rite Of Passage Every Day - Casino Gambling Web

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Around Christmas, it has become popular to hold Festivus. The activity was created by George Costanza from Seinfeld, where friends and family members

discuss with each other the ways they have disappointed themselves through the year.

For casino dealers, this activity takes place on a nightly basis, and gamblers around the holidays are often quick to point out all of the bad cards that were dealt to them throughout the year. Thanks to Costanza, dealers are forced to hear of their shortcomings in their profession.

"Every year, I get gamblers who think they are clever and start telling me they will be holding Festivus for me," said dealer Mario Benning. "They tell me all the times I busted them on a blackjack table, or the time I put out a bad river in a poker game. Hearing these story's get old, but the gamblers keep coming back, so that's good."

Benning is one of the thousands of dealers that will be told this holiday season about times where random cards being dealt were their fault. Players can be extremely superstitious, and any chance they get to blame someone other then themselves for a lost bet, they take.

"I know it is not the dealers fault when I lose a hand of poker, but it is an easy way to voice my frustration with the cards," said Mark Hutterberg. "I tip well, so the dealers understand I am only playing around with them when I get on them about their dealing."

The holiday season has become a slow time for casinos around the US in recent years. The economy has forced gamblers to use their extra cash on gifts, and there has not been much left to bring to the casinos. In most cases, casino revenue has dropped over the past two years, with figures falling more steadily in the winter months.

December 23, 2010
Posted By Terry Goodwin
Staff Editor, CasinoGamblingWeb.com
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